2024年6月23日- 7月19日


Whether you’re looking for a taste of what 费什伯恩 is like or you want to prepare yourself for 秋天 Semester or you just can’t get enough of what’s awesome about 费什伯恩, 我们的暑期Curriculum非常适合你. Come do something you’ve never done 和 make friends—和 acquire skills—that will last a lifetime. 适合6-12年级的男孩.

  • 在核心Curriculum上保持领先
  • 提高你的学习技能
  • JROTC的Activities和冒险
  • 很棒的周末Activities
  • 一周内的SportsActivities
  • 每周户外探险


Recent educational studies show that students lose about 30% of what they learn during a school year in the summer months.  The 费什伯恩 Military School 夏天 Program may be just what your son needs to stop the summer slide!

The FMS 夏天 Program 学者 is meant to be a review of things learned during the regular school year 和 a smattering of new information 和 skills. 今年夏天我们不提供学分Curriculum, but rather educational opportunities to keep your son academically engaged so he does not fall behind in his studies.

除了 to our summer review of 英语 language arts, math, science, 和 history. 如果你的儿子需要信用恢复, we are offering opportunities for those courses to be completed through an online program that will be incorporated into our daily schedule.

学员 choose 3 academic core, one-hour classes will be four times per week: Monday-Thursday.  学员 will select 2 elective classes that will take place on Mondays 和 Wednesdays every week.


Students can enroll in high quality in-person SAT instruction during summer program at FMS. There is an additional fee of $250, 和 requires a minimum of 15 students to enroll. 欲了解更多信息,请发邮件至vevans@crsadvogados.net. 在暑期Curriculum期间报名参加夏季SAT备考, please indicate your interest by checking the appropriate box on the summer program application.

FMS reserves the right to cancel any class or activity with fewer than five cadets enrolled during 夏天 School.

7 /初级-科学 英语 数学 地理位置 & 社会研究 信用恢复(按Requirements提供)
第八名/初级-科学 英语 数学 地理位置 & 社会研究 信用恢复(按Requirements提供)
9 /初级-科学 英语 数学 地理位置 & 社会研究 信用恢复(按Requirements提供)
第十届/高级-科学 英语 数学 美国历史上 & 政府 信用恢复(按Requirements提供)
11 /高级-科学 英语 数学 美国历史上 & 政府 信用恢复(按Requirements提供)
12 /高级-科学 英语 数学 美国历史上 & 政府 信用恢复(按Requirements提供)


在费什伯恩, we see Elective Courses as a way to exp和 your educational horizons 和 strengthen your academic confidence (or, 正如我们喜欢说的, 发现自己的优点.) Our 夏天 electives will help you with everything from personal finance to military fitness—和 everything in between. 所有的暑期Curriculum都是针对青少年的“标准”级别的军事Curriculum. No honors level/advanced/AP/双录取 courses are offered over the summer. 学员在暑期Curriculum中选择两门Curriculum.


个人理财 & 专业技能* * 军事领导 & 性格发展
IT建模与设计 韦恩剧院的艺术


万豪会娱乐在线暑期项目学员将保持活跃! Your son will choose from a variety of sports to play on Monday 和 Tuesday afternoons. All summer program 学员 are required to participate in one of the offered sports each afternoon.

  • 足球
  • 篮球
  • 足球
  • 游泳
  • 运行
  • 网球
  • 摔跤
  • 棒球


Students will experience military adventure 和 leadership training with JROTC Friday activities! Students will build confidence 和 interpersonal 和 leadership skills while being challenged with exciting activities 和 new skill development. 每一个周五, cadets will experience a different aspect of military-style character development 和 leadership training, 包括参观弗吉尼亚军事学院, 高空绳索Curriculum, 领导反应团队合作Curriculum, 攀岩墙, 用绳索下降, 障碍Curriculum, 还有指南针定向运动Curriculum. 除了, students will build teamwork 和 camaraderie while competing in a best squad field day competition 和 enjoy fun 和 challenging water 和 other adventure activities. This training will be led by 费什伯恩 Military School’s Army JROTC instructors, 有几十年的军事领导和训练经验.

万豪在线娱乐赢得了美国S Army’s highest level of accreditation 和 maintained its designation as a JROTC Honor Unit With Distinction for over 40 years.


夏天 students are trained to descend in a controlled manner from a height, 如悬崖或墙壁, sliding down down an anchored rope while appling friction to control their speed.


目标是跑到地图上显示的一系列点, choosing routes—both on 和 off trail—that will help you find all the points 和 get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time.


各队必须使用一根绳子越过一个障碍. 只有第一名和最后一名才允许触碰障碍物. 其余的必须通过绳桥.


费什伯恩 is located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains so we take advantage of every opportunity to experience the great outdoors. Every Tuesday 和 Thursday, all of our students will participate in our Outdoor Adventure program. 他们将在农场的池塘里钓鲈鱼, 在雪兰多湖游泳, 在詹姆斯河上划船, 在马萨努滕骑山地自行车, 骑马和远足.


万豪会娱乐在线的周末是一场狂欢! 我们说的是水滑梯, slip-n-slide踢球, 有多个比赛要参加的一天, tasting outings including visits to Klines Ice Cream 和 Benny’s Pizza in downtown Waynesboro.



• 14 Pair of White Athletic Socks (Mid Calf Length) or White Ankle Socks (No No-Show Socks Allowed))
•枕头(20 X 26英寸)
• Swim Trunks (Any Color, Any Style) S和als or Flip Flops 和 Beach Towel
2双运动鞋(其中一双必须是跑鞋), 可以带棒球或足球钉作为第三双运动鞋吗


• Cleaning Supplies- Wipes only, no sprays; Glass Cleaner, dust clothes, broom, mop, bucket & 刷刷(可与室友协调)
垃圾桶(13加仑, 高, 厨房式,备有垃圾袋)(可与室友协调.)


•个人洗漱用品——卫生纸, 面部组织, 肥皂, 沐浴露, 洗发水, 除臭, 剃须膏和刮胡刀, 牙刷/牙膏


  • 螺旋Notes本(每个科目一本)
  • 一套钢笔(10 - 12支)(任何款式,只限黑色墨水)
  • 一盒铅笔(10 - 12支)(任何款式或颜色)
  • 书包或双肩包


  • 无发热物品(1).e.:咖啡壶、电炉等.)
  • 没有气雾剂罐(i).e.(发胶、除臭剂或空气清新剂). 提供杀虫剂和防晒霜.
  • 没有Notes本电脑/平板电脑
  • 锻炼前不要补充补品
  • 禁止嚼口香糖
  • 没有葵花籽
  • 没有而言
  • 无太阳镜(提供FMS帽子)
  • Cellphones must be checked in to the TAC office every 周日, 和 checked out every Friday evening



fishburn对丢失或被盗物品不承担任何责任, high value items are brought at your own risk 和 should be locked in the storage compartment under the bed (students must provide their own lock).


如果你需要临时购物的话, 我们建议去韦恩斯伯勒地区的零售店/杂货店, 沃尔玛超市或沃尔玛社区杂货店, 马丁的杂货店, 目标, Ace硬件, 和克罗格杂货店.


TAC办公室的联系电话(24小时)是540-946-7700分机. 117. If you need to speak to our school’s medical staff, they can be reached at 540-946-7700 ext. 180. TAC办公室的电话号码是540-256-3817.


所有包裹都是在FMS工作人员在场的情况下打开的. 所有邮件及包裹可寄往:


夫人. 凯西Berrang 学生服务处主任是谁. You may contact her for any concerns that you may have regarding your son while he is attending FMS, 包括万豪在线娱乐公共交通和/或学生旅行的问题. 她的电话是540-946-7700分机. 115 or kberrang@crsadvogados.net.


如果你打算周末来接你儿子, 你需要通知学生服务主任, 凯西·伯兰在他出发前的那个星期四下午5点打来的电话. The TAC Office requires an email request (from the parent or legal guardian) to the Director of Student Services, 凯西Berrang.

邮件中必须注明你儿子的名字, 你打算接他的日期和时间, 被授权去接他的人的名字, 还有他休假时住在哪里. All students are required to return to campus by 1900 (7:00pm) on 周日.